Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

And I didn't even do a review for Twilight!

New Moon, was not that disappointing in my opinion, given that I didn't read the book.

Somehow I was embarassed if I were to be one of their casts, because New Moon is a combination of bad acting one after another.

Let's start with Edward Cullen, the serious, intense male vampire with a glittery side, literally.

Edward (Rob Pattinson) broke up with Bella to protect her. As if. It was a really, really long break-up. And him disappearing mysteriously was out of the question. It was weird though.

Bella Swan (Kristin Stewart), is an ordinary girl with a desire to become a vampire.

Okay now this I got to say. Bella is a sex deprived teenager and too stupid to understand what is going on around her. I mean, what's with the facial expression?

Jacob, played by Taylor Lautner, managed to steal the show this time.

In Twilight, he was nothing but just another character that clearly has a crush on Bella. This time, he proved to everyone that Shark Boy was way behind him. Remember The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl? I'm still creeped out by the movie. Plus Lautner is only 17 years old, and with a body more muscular than anyone beyond his age. Super!

I will never recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't watched Twilight yet, because Twilight was a great movie, and New Moon was a bad sequel.

My Rating: 2/10

Grease (1978)

Yes. I watched Grease

And so should you!

This movie is an embodiment of teens in the 50s, better than the original, cheesy movie from Disney, which by the way has its own merchandise.

Although the acting wasn't the best from John Travolta, it was still entertaining watching him and his gang dancing and singing in a tight pants and leather jacket. I was being sarcastic, yes.

Olivia Newton-John however did a very superb job, but was outshined by one the casts called Betty Rizzo (Chaning Stockard).

The best part of it all was the songs! I absolutely fell in love with the songs, as gay as it sounds, but it was kind of cool.

Songs such as 'You're the one that I want' and 'We go together' got me hooked. I even downloaded them!

Grease was directed by Randall Kleiser, and this movie should always be a reference to any director who wanted to make a teen movie. This was absolutely perfect in its own kind.

My Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drag Me to Hell

I just can't believe I watched this movie 5 times!


I was intrigued about the storyline and I was having a pretty bad day, and decided this would help cheer me up.

Indeed it did!

I was laughing the entire time! Especially when there's a scene with Mrs Ganush in it.

Can you say gross? YUCK!

Anyway, I've watched what Sam Raimi did with Night of the Living Dead (both!!) and compared to this one, it's more fun!

I think he actually had fun directing this! It was very detail, from the makeups to costumes and storyline was smooth.

It's not really a horror movie rather than a few sounds to scare the hell out of you.

The sound effects though. It kind of reminded me to The Shining. Remember Jack?

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

Boy I cannot forget that scene!

(I'm actually reviewing The Shining and not Drag Me to Hell)

LOL. Anyway this movie is good if you wanted to have a few laughs and getting grossed out.

My Rating: 4/10 (for horror) 7/10 (for humor)

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Hangover

If you haven't watch this, I suggest you get off your lazy bum and download this movie NOW!

Probably one of the stupidest movies ever made for guys!

Stupid, in a good way, that is.

The combination of three (there are four, but these are the main characters) different guys, with different professions and personalties, brought this movie to a new height.

Imagine going for a bachelor party in Las Vegas, having the time of your lives, but get this.


This movie however, are no match for The Bachelor Party (not the second edition!).

The storyline in The Bachelor Party was so much better, and you couldn't stop laughing.

The Hangover has a minor laughing materials in their script, and you'll only be laughing because you're embarassed of having those guys as friends.

But overall, good movie to watch with your buddies!

My Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Fourth Kind

The Fourth Kind is an alien documentary movie that was claimed to be based on a true occasion.

As fake as it may seems, this movie is actually quite promising, given that they used actual footage of the alien encounters.

What I could not believe was how real the videos are, until I noticed one tiny flaw.

It wasn't really an alien encounter footage, except that one particular footage when one of the policemen was asked to supervise Dr Abigail Tyler at her house.

He saw, what I assumed to be a UFO, but rather in the footage was only a slight beam of bright light shining towards the house.

I was almost convinced, but I kept searching for more evidences as the movie has a merely 40 good minutes left.

The murder-suicide scene was real, because the police managed to record it on tape, on the actual scene. Kudos to that.

The hypnotherapy session between Dr Abigail Tyler and her patients were surreal. One of the best scenes in the movie was when one of her patients, Scott, was put under hypnosis to recover part of his 'alien encounter' memory.

In this scene, Scott levitated, and it was recorded in the actual footage. If you're confused, this movie has two parts, the acting part and the actual footage. The reason for it being done so is because they only have several footage, and the movie was made to make it more interesting. So don't mind the split viewing while watching this. It was intended like that.

Anyway, I was quite impressed with the overall storyline, since it was based on true story.

I have to decline though, that this movie is about alien abduction because it seems ridiculous. If you watch the scene where Dr Abigail put herself under hypnosis (by her good friend Dr Abel), you'll know exactly what I meant. (If that)

When she was under hypnosis, her eyes went totally whiteout, as if it were blank. She also levitated, and her voice changed.

If I didn't know any better, I would say she was possessed. Not by aliens of course. I was more than convinced that she was possessed, when the 'alien' inside her body said

"I am..... GOD."

That was translated from the actual footage of her while under hypno, in an ancient Sumerian Language, the oldest language of the world.

If that's not enough to convince me, she also said this

"I don't think it was God, because when 'he' was inside me, it was filled with hopelessness. It could be God, or at least pretending to be."

Okay no one in the right mind would be convinced by the statement that THAT was an alien possession.

Now possessed by demon? I'm convinced, because it COULD happen.

I truly recommend watching this movie if you really are sceptical about aliens and its existence.

This however, the BEST alien documentary I've ever seen.

And I wasn't even distracted by Milla Jovovich, who played Dr Abigail Tyler.

My Rating: 9/10

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Okay this may be last year's movie, but I just watched it like a few weeks back.

I fell asleep halfway of the movie!

I wasn't expecting that since I love Gerard Butler's movies, especially this one where it involved a UK mafia.

Well sort of.

This British movie is like you would've expected.

Their funny-ness is so hard to detect, unless you're a Brit.

Fortunately for me, I understand just as fine. I didn't really quite get the message of this movie. The only thing I know is they need to get back something that was stolen from their boss which was stolen in the first place anyway.

It did manage to make me laugh, and although they mentioned in their tagline that this is a story about sex,

They lied!

There was no sex in it! If you call the scene where Gerard looked drunk and had an intercourse with a woman (which I forgot her name!) is sex, then it's a joke.

It was over in practically less than a minute, which I recall to be the fastest sex ever on a British film.

Overall, I would recommend this film if you really have no other movies to watch.

My Rating: 5.6/10

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Proposal

"To the window, To the walls, Sweat drip down my balls, All you bitches crawl."

I could never forget that dance!

It was so funny, I had to replay that particular part for 50 times and still can't stop laughing!

I have been a fan of Sandra Bullock since her performance in Miss Congeniality and she nailed both first and sequel wonderfully if not better.

Now this movie was a little bit dry and unoriginal at the beginning, it gets interesting in the middle though.

Honestly, I fell asleep during the first half of the movie. I didn't really get it.

I'll give them a benefit of a doubt since I might be tired before watching it so it might have been a contributing factor to me falling asleep.

Just as well, the movie was indeed a good entertainment movie to NOT watch with your girlfriend for some reason which I will not disclose here.

The best scene of the movie was when both Bullock and Reynolds were naked and their naughty parts sort of connected.


My Rating: 7/10
